Open Innovation Program


APRIL 2021 | Taiwania Nest


In Taiwan, Digital transformation is very high on the government’s list of priorities. In fact, since 2017 the Executive Yuan has been accelerating the development of a digital infrastructure where Internet access is deemed a “human right”, regulations on remote care are loosened, and several departments of telemedicine established across the island (Executive Yuan unveils digital infrastructure project, 2017). 

Similarly, the French government has been working to accelerate its e-health policy with the creation of the National Digital Health Agency (ANS) in 2019 which oversees the framework for rolling-out digital solutions and e-health platforms to help companies navigate the regulatory framework and ensure their quick entry to market.

In September 2020, French healthcare company Sanofi and Taiwanese e-health diabetes management company Health2Sync, signed a partnership to apply a digital solution in 300 clinics and hospitals nationwide over the next three years. 

Enthusiastic to encourage more of such partnerships that better serve the Taiwanese population, La French Tech Taiwan, with the support of the French Office in Taipei, is organizing a half-day workshop on digital health regulation and reimbursement, where French and Taiwanese corporations, start-ups, and government officials, are invited to discuss existing regulatory frameworks and share their insights on what can be done to support native and international digital health companies bring to market their innovation and place Taiwan in a leading position that matches its Covid-19 response and digital governance visionary policies.  

This workshop is currently scheduled for Q2 2021. This first encounter will not only serve to kick-start a long-overdue conversation on the future of digital health regulation and reimbursement in Taiwan but also create an opportunity for French and Taiwanese companies to learn more about each other and foster relationships with relevant counterparts. It is also the organizers’ ambition to have this event lay the groundwork for a series of exchanges, between French and Taiwanese stakeholders, in the digital health sector with a white paper summarizing recommendations discussed during the workshop.

For more information please write to:


This is an invitation-only event.

Date: April 2021 (TBC) 
Location: Taiwania Nest

■ Time: 2-hour event + 1-hour networking (complimentary catering)
■ Venue: TBC
■ Language: English


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