Soirée France Alumni Taiwan, December 8, 2022, at Le Méridien Taipei
台灣留法校友會(La Plateforme France Alumni Taiwan)成立5周年 了,目前有超過3400的註冊會員。透過校友們的共同努力,我們成功的舉辦了‘ 法國創新之夜’、‘白晝之夜’、‘思辨之夜’等推廣深化臺灣和法國的文化、學術交流的活動。感謝校友們的支持,我們將在2022年12月8日舉辦2022年度留法校友聯歡晚會,邀請校友們共同歡聚! 台灣留法校友平臺爲非營利性團體,此次活動不提供發票 France Alumni Taiwan (La Plateforme France Alumni Taiwan) has been established for 5 years and currently has more than 3400 registered members. Through the joint efforts of our alumni, we have successfully organized activities such as ‘French Innovation Night’, ‘Nuit Blanche’, and ‘Think and debate Night’ to […]