Eco-Transition Event – February 9, 2023
Green Tech Event has been a successful one on February 9th!
We are very glad that this time we can invite speakers in France and Taiwan, sharing how they integrate eco-transition into their organization model and continue to innovate, and how they tackle challenges to make our environment and economy become more sustainable!
Besides reminding everyone about the Eco-transition goals and overall concept, this event was the opportunity to confirm that across several sectors, sustainability and its social influence are more and more present in big corporations, in their supply chains, and in the startup and innovation ecosystem they are in.
From early development stages to mass production, from local models to international logistics, we saw some concrete innovative solutions and applications of Circular Economy, Process Improvement for Sustainability, and Energy Efficiency, and how they can have a social impact.
The key takeaway is that Eco-transition is a collective effort, driven by a change of mindset and innovation efforts, which is part of the DNA of French Tech Communities.
Thank you all for your participation!
Special thanks to the speakers from the following companies to make the event happen!