2021 Decarbonization High-Level Roundtable

2021 Decarbonization High-Level Roundtable
La French Tech Taiwan and French Office in Taipei are glad to invite you to an Open Innovation High-Level Roundtable:
“How Innovation can support Decarbonization Initiatives in Taiwan and French Industrial Ecosystems”.
Both in Taiwan and in France, Decarbonization is a major challenge to embrace, that will shape the environment of the future generations.
Deputy Director-General Cynthia Kiang from Bureau of Foreign Trade recently said that “now is the time for Taiwanese companies to start preparing for requirements from countries and companies for greener supply chains and clear accounting of carbon emissions.” The French president just announced the “France2030” 10 objectives, and 5 of them are directly related to Decarbonization initiatives. Decarbonization implies several different angles: Transport, Hydrogen, Carbon Emission, Renewable Energy, Logistics, Green Design and there is no magic or unique recipe to decarbonize.
This round-table will be the opportunity to discuss INNOVATION FOR DECARBONIZATION, showing trends and collaborations that are at the forefront of the Taiwan Ecosystem, while our honorable guests, panel members and speakers will give their view on how innovation can support Decarbonization Initiatives in the Taiwan & France environments.